Monday, December 10, 2007

Mr. Thomas, Harrington Science Teacher

David Mason sent me this obituary for Mr. Thomas from the Santa Fe New Mexican.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Santa Fe Style

This article from AP about the Santa Fe Style ordinance showed up in the Las Cruces paper this morning.
Diego found a similar article from the New Mexican.
I do not know how long either will be available.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Carlos Gilbert School - Class of 1954 II

Miss Tolbert's 4th grade class.

Diego Rivera found this one:

Row 1:1 Diego Rivera, 2 Richard Lambley, 3 Joe Arthur Rivera, 5 Phillip Rogers.
Row 2: 1 Kathyrn Quintana, 2 Dillia Sisneros, 5 Sandra Gonzales, 6 Nancy Egenhofer.
Row 3: 6 Miss Tolbert, 8 Horace Romero.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Carlos Gilbert School - Class of 1954

Mrs. Rose's First Grade Class

Mrs. Ramsey's Second Grade Class

Norman Smith sent me these photos. The only other person I can identify is Carl Wally, looking like he just walked off the set of "Shane".

Update: Names Left to right (mostly from Diego Rivera)

Front row: 3- Phillip Rogers, 8-Norman Smith, 9-Tito Campos
Second row: 12(left end)-Louise Harris
Third row: 1-Carl Henderson, 2-Leo Ferran
Back row: 1-Joe Arthur Rivera, 4-Richard Lambley, 9-Diego Rivera

Friday, August 10, 2007

Triple Play

The day after the All Star Game, the band was treated to a major league game between the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers. During the game, there was a triple play. For years I have been telling people it was unassisted, but have recently learned it was 4-4-3.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Soldier Field

50 years ago tonight, the Santa Fe High School Marching Band performed the halftime show at the All Star Football Game at Soldier Field (frequently misspelled).

One of the bandsmen is quoted as saying the performance was so perfect it should never be repeated. I'm sure it was not, in fact the same 72 players never took the field together after the show. The question is "Were the lights used the following year?"

Saturday, August 4, 2007

SFHS Marching Band departs for Chicago

Fifty years ago today, the Santa Fe High School Marching Band
boarded buses and departed for the Chicago Tribune All-Star Football game in Chicago.

If anyone has any additional clippings or memories, this would be a good time to add a comment or send them directly to me.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Harrington Class Photo

Jackie sent this to me some time ago. At the time I didn't know what to do with it and then forgot I had it.

This is all I have. If you want more, ya gotta send it to me.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Salazar Elementary School - Class of 1954

Barbara S. was nice enough to bring these over for me to copy. I think I can identify about a third of the faces in the 6th grade photo, fewer in the 5th grade.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I am starting this blog as a supplement to the occasional mailings I have been sending out about the SFHS class of 1960 and friends. I hope to accomplish two things with this.

1: Provide a vehicle for people to add comments to individual announcements.

2: Provide a permanent archive and to allow folks to keep up who do not want to be on a mailing list, even a blind one.

I will continue mailing announcements, probably just links to this blog, to the usual suspects.

I hope we can allow unmoderated comments. If we start getting too much name calling, political rants or outright spam, I will start moderating comments.

To add a comment, click on the word comments at the bottom of the posting. There will be a number, often 0, in front of it.