Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Santa Fe Telephone Prefix

About 50 years ago, Santa Fe started using the YUcca telephone prefixes. I remember YUcca3 and maybe YUcca2. Our number was YU3-7045. Were there others? And when did other prefixes, with or without mnemonic letters, come into use? Were all the party lines gone by this time?


Unknown said...

I remember very early on picking up the phone and hearing someone else on the line. This must have been when I just learned how to use the phone to call my grandmother because very quickly this was no longer a problem and I was told we now had a "private line." We lived close to downtown.
We never had an alphabetical prefix. We were 3879 until about the early mid-fifties when we had to change the number because we had a numerical prefix: 982-5629. Oh, and this isn't Charlie - it's Martha.

Unknown said...

Late '40s at 510 College had party line & # was 4476. Think had to talk to operator to make call. Early '50s at 508 College added the YUcca3- Moved to Malaga Rd in '56 & kept the same # far from downtown. Bill North

Juan Hovey said...

Ours was 2-1346, later YU2-1346, and I think we had this number when we lived on Allendale and kept it when we moved to San Felipe Circle, in Casa Alegre. At the Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, I took part in a phone-in to protest the local (maybe national?) switch to numerical prefixes. With the wisdom of youth we knew the "name" prefix to be good and the numerical bad because it represented the approaching slavery of humanity to technology. Smart, huh? I took part in no more protests after that. John Hovey

Unknown said...

Back in the 40's and early 50's I lived on East Marcy. I remember we had a private line but can't remember the number. Maybe I didn't phone home. Later we had YU2-0110 but that was when we lived on Don
Gaspar, that number followed us to several homes.

Paul said...

Santa Fe converrted to dial telphones in 1952. Prior to that timeour phonenumber was 3561J and onehad to give it to the operator in order to be connected to the requested party. After the advent of the dial telephone, one could dial the last five digits of the phone number leaving off the YU (98). Our number was and still is 983-6995. It wasa about 1956 when we were required to dial the entire seven digit code.

Lynn Waterman Miller said...

I grew up with 3-3223. Don't remember when it became necessary to add the 98 prefix. In 1973 I moved into my present home and needed only 2-2222. That resulted in drunks in the middle of the night and little kids dialing my number, until the 98 was added.