I recognize more than I can name. For sure is Jim Heathman, Joseph Ashton, Leroy Rameriz, Jimmy Sanchez, Thelma Romero, Ann and Jackie (already identified), Frenando Garcia, Charlie Steen, Jim Webb, Bill North, Johnny Lujan, Orlando Tapia (I think), Lupita Tapia (I think). Maybe Manuel Duran aka 'whedo' and is that George Perez 3rd from right in the first row? I thought Steve Earnest should be in there, but I can't pick him out.
Jim - I can't believe you can remember so many of us and pick us out of this photo - and this was jr. high - not even high school - wish my memories were as sharp as yours!!
David - great picture - thanks -- but where oh where did I get those white framed glasses!! AnnB
I recognize more than I can name. For sure is Jim Heathman, Joseph Ashton, Leroy Rameriz, Jimmy Sanchez, Thelma Romero, Ann and Jackie (already identified), Frenando Garcia, Charlie Steen, Jim Webb, Bill North, Johnny Lujan, Orlando Tapia (I think), Lupita Tapia (I think). Maybe Manuel Duran aka 'whedo' and is that George Perez 3rd from right in the first row? I thought Steve Earnest should be in there, but I can't pick him out.
Also a bunch of guys I just called 'primo'.
Jim - I can't believe you can remember so many of us and pick us out of this photo - and this was jr. high - not even high school - wish my memories were as sharp as yours!!
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