Fifty years ago today, the Santa Fe High School Marching Band
boarded buses and departed for the Chicago Tribune All-Star Football game in Chicago.
If anyone has any additional clippings or memories, this would be a good time to add a comment or send them directly to me.
For a Freshman, I was pretty confident. Later I realized it was because we had been so well prepared.
Later on I came to realize how many adults had done so much work to make this trip work and we didn't have the big picture to realize it. Of course we were Teenagers and knew it all.
This spring I spent a few days in Chicago and stayed at the Conrad Hilton (still a Hilton but not called that any more).
Soldier's Field is still there but it has suffered the ugliest remodel in the world. A shame.
Spent time at the Museum of Science and Industry. Memories of that Museum stayed with me for 50 years and as I traveled the world it was always the Gold Standard for every museum I visited.
Finally, will never forget hearing the impatient boos as we stood in the end zone, in the rain, waiting for someone to turn off the lights. But those boos turned to cheers by the time we got to the Stars and Stripes Forever and the peal off.
Weren't we something!
Ed Burckhardt
The first time I visit your web site and I actually have something I can comment about....and I wasn't even a band member.
I had been visiting in Indiana, was on my way home by train the following day and was able to attend the game for no reason other than to watch the "high school band from home". I was probably the only one in the stands other than your parents who was there for your performance rather than the football game.
I was ever so proud of you and oh so bored by the game!
Katherine Quintana Ranck, class of '60
FiFi Collins was there as well. Small world, isn't it.
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